Creative Ability

Not So Different Creative Ability Programme is the first of its kind in Europe, bringing together both neurotyical and neuro-atypical students to showcase their individual talents to prospective employers over time.
The Hub is a collaboration between Not So Different (Social Enterprise), Third Level Institutions, Local Authority and the Community. Students can develop and showcase their individual talents through community based projects and avail of neurodiversity employment supports in a creative, innovative digital hub. We provide employability skills training and support talented creative individuals to become work-ready, and build connections with employers that value talents such as logic and pattern thinkers, thinking in pictures, problem solving, analytical abilities, creative and innovative abilities and others.

Creative Ability Hub Activities include:

  • identification of strengths, and assessment of employability
  • undertaking ‘enterprise readiness training’
  • attending seminars and workshops on social and life skills
  • participating in an industry mentoring program with employers
  • being considered for internships or work experience assignments
  • working with employment support team on feedback from work experience opportunities.